HuizenThornooi 2019

HuizenThornooi 2019

The time has come again for the most legendary open rugby Thornament of the year: the yearly HuizenThornooi!

HuizenThornooi is an open rugby tournament for everyone, no rugby experience required! Sign up with your roommates, vvv’tjes, or just any random stranger on the street and play against other teams for eternal glory!

Afterwards, there will be a BBQ, refreshments, and a party on our beloved boat. Didn’t win the competition? Don’t worry, you may still qualify for the best-dressed team, so start thinking about those outfits!

What do I need?

A full team consisting of 7 players in the field, and some additional substitutes. To keep it fair and fun every team can have at most 2 experienced rugby-player in the field. If you struggle to assemble a full team don’t worry, you can also sign up as a smaller team, or individual. We will merge smaller teams into full teams.

An Iconic name: What’s epic about rugby team if it doesn’t have an epic name!

Teamkit: A super sexy outfit matching your epic team name! Shoes with studs are a pro but normal running shoes work as well.

And don’t forget to Sign Up!

But I’ve never played rugby before?

No problem, you’re exactly the target audience. The rules will be specially adjusted to cater the inexperienced players (see below). Further more we will have a micro rugby-clinic to get you up to speed with the art and skill of rugby!

Where & when?

Rugby 101:
21st and 23rd of may, 19:00 at Rugby pitch, X (See map below)

Date: 24th of may
Time: TBA
Location: Rugby pitch, X (See map below)

Price: BBQ+tournament: €10,-
Only BBQ: €8,-
Only tournament: €5,-

Training Field Club Boat “de Voorwaarts”


  1. A team consists of 7 players on the field and unlimited subs.
  2. Only a maximum of 2 players with rugby experience per team can be on the field at the same time.
  3. Experienced players are not allowed to score.
  4. When a man scores, the team gets 3 points.
  5. When a woman scores, the team gets 5 points.
  6. A match takes 10 minutes, no break.
  7. The home team starts with the ball in the middle of the pitch, opposition on a 5 meter distance.
  8. In case the ball gets over the sideline, the opposition gets the ball and can throw it in to one of its own players (like a quick line-out).
  9. Hand-offs are not allowed.
  10. Kicking is not allowed.
  11. Counter-rucking is not allowed, although the ball is free to play if the attacking team has not formed a ruck in 3 seconds.
  12. The scrums are 3-man uncontested scrums.
  13. Apart from these rules all normal rugby rules apply.

If you don;t know what these rules mean, don’t worry: they will be explained during the introduction trainings

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