Student Rugby club thor
Student Rugby Club Thor (est. 1963) is the only open student rugby club in Delft. Currently, we have two gents teams, one ladies team and a beginners team.
Rugby is for everyone!
Old, young, big or small, with or without experience. Are you interested in becoming a Thor member or just want to join an introduction training first?

About SRC thor
Everyone is welcome at SRC Thor. Get to know this crazy bunch of (student) rugby fans and become one yourself! Find out all the details the club, the members and our beloved boat.

get into rugby
Searching for new challenge in life? Want to experience the real rugby culture? Like to get strong and fit? Looking for new friends?
Whatever the reason is, it’s never too late to start playing rugby!

Put your gameface on!
Check out our media page for the most beautiful (awkward) rugby faces and poses, well captured by our house-photographer Jan Kaper, or review one of the many match videos on our Youtube channel.

on and off the pitch
All teams train twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays, at the rugby pitch of the student sport center X. Since its foundation in 1963 (first as Virgiel Rugby Club Thor in Delft), SRC Thor has been displaying rugby in the competition of the Dutch Rugby Association (NRB) on Sundays.
Besides the normal competition and rugby practice, there are many more organised rugby events, trips (abroad), tournaments and social events to join.

The Thor boat
Thor is one of the few student sports clubs having their own club house, besides using the sports center facilities. Most of Thor’s social rugby culture takes place at our iconic boat: “De Voorwaarts”. Since 1995 this is the perfect location for drinks, dinners and parties after Tuesday practice or after matches.

Find us here
We are located at the sportscenter “X” at the campus of TU delft. Rugby pitch is found just across the road/tram lane, next to the parking lot.
Our club house floating at a different location, only 1 km away from the sportscenter in Nieuwe Haven, close to Rotterdamseweg.
Sports center X: Pitch
Sports center X TU Delft
Mekelweg 8-10
2628 CD Delft
Club house: "de voorwaarts"
SRC Thor
Nieuwe haven 5
2628AE Delft