Session 6



For this session, we need a relatively long loop to train effectively. Combined with the need for shade, the Wilhelminapark in the Hof van Delft has been chosen as our training venue. We will meet at the Northern gate on the Colijnlaan next to the Weteringlaan bus stop. Please get there by 19:00 so that we can start on time!


  • Start with an 800m at a “talking jog” (2 laps of the Hof van Delft park);
  • Activation (see below subsection);
  • Coordination drills; (not just a warm-up, this is an important part of the whole training)
  • and 4x Gradual 60m accelerations ( up to: 60%; 70%; 80%; and 90% respectively).


During our warm-up we want to prepare the body for movement by activating our system. Although the Activate warm-up for rugby training and games (find the adult version here on the World Rugby Site), we have a chance to mix things up with something similar. In fact, I wonder if the below program didn’t actually inspire the activate program itself! For those people who are curious, or who want to incorporate this mobility and activation focused program, you can watch the following 3 YouTube parts.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
[embedyt][/embedyt] [embedyt][/embedyt] [embedyt][/embedyt]

Summarizing @ 3-5 reps per exercise, this whole program will be finished earlier than you would expect! Images are a work in progress…

Image Done
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 1
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 1
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 1
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 1
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 1
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 1
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 1
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 1
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 1
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 1
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 1
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2

Walking backwards 1/2-way Toes in, 1/2-way Toes out

Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
Walking Dynamic Warm Up Part 2
PART 3 beginning

Lateral neck slides

Forward walking lunge with high knees & twist
Chest sinks Squat down, grip something in front, move sternum in and out
Foward walking lunge; high legs, arms to sky laced palms up
Knee rolls Regular knee roles
Lateral shifting lunge Lunge to aductor stretch, bounce back, repeat
Straight leg figure 8s, chin down
Lateral lunge with ankle tilts The straight leg ankle remains stiff such that foot comes of ground and pivots around edge
Trunk rolls
Spiderman crawl
Leg swings forward & back. Integrate chin movement.
Toe touch hammy walks
Leg swings right & left each leg
Reversed lunge with palms to ceiling
Squatting internal rotation
Duck walks Stay in squat position and walk forward
Toe roll
Walking 1 leg romanian deadlifts
Reindeer arm circles Shoulder roles but instead of straight arms, reindeer
Frankensteins with a skip
Fighter shoulder rolls backwards Arms down shoulder roles
Walk backward with long reaches
Standing arm circles with wrists fully extended and palms facing out
Walking ankle grabs
Fighter shoulder rolls backwards
Lateral crossover lunges
Thumb lookaways. Put one of your thumbs up, and look outside, and repeat. Change thumbs/sides. Start head center, look at thumb, then move head to outside direction of thumb arm and look. Repeat
Sideways lateral crossover lunges High knee over lead foot travelling sideways ending in a curtsey squat
Jaw massages
Do a quick antirotation test and release
5min personal needs


The following coordination drills aim to develop our balance, and help us master different movements which will support our efforts to become better at general running (sprinting is a highly coordinated activity), and finally to apply it to our chaotic world of rugby!

Exercise Images Done
Skipping 1-2-3-doublehop
Galloping (dadummm dadummm)
A-skips and B-skips, both with double bounce recoveries. B-skip = American skipping.
Sideways hops back & forth 1 leg
Forward/back hops back & forth 1 leg


4x Gradual 60m accelerations (up to: 60%; 70%; 80%; and 90% respectively).


Today we run:

  • BACKS: 10x 300m with up to 120s rests
  • FORWARDS:10x 100m with an extended walking recovery of roughly 120s back to the start (waited for the backs to regroup before next rep)


We will perform the 800m talking run that we started with, followed by an unstructured set of stretches to kick-start our recovery.


Coming soon!

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