MareVisie Expert Writers

MareVisie Expert Writers

  • Do you want to deepen your insights into the cutting edge of today’s technological developments?
  • Do you want to gain specific insights into particular technologies?
  • Do you want to develop an online writing portfolio?
  • Do you want to develop a wider online digital media portfolio?
  • Do you want to be part of a serious professional environment and develop yourself to prepare for the world of work?

Become a member of the MareVisie Expert Writers group
The MareVisie Expert Writers group is a team of people who create digital content in monthly contributions about the latest in renewables, the energy transition, ICT and much more besides. This content can take many forms: 1-on-1 interviews, reports, opinion pieces and lists are all possible formats.
Publishing in the digital world is tough, but together with expertise that MareVisie has gained and its network, you can get the help you need to create your own personal brand on the internet. Writing is not only a skill that is difficult to work on and improve on, it makes you a powerful and articulate person for the world of work. Being able to write well, and having an established online portfolio is an important leg-up in your search for your ideal job.
MareVisie is looking for a group of 5 to 10 people. We expect you to work a flexible and self-controlled 2-4 hours a week, including reading around subjects, drafting pieces, publishing content, and commenting on other people’s online content. At MareVisie, we work hands-on, and value cooperation between our workers so that they can learn fastest. We will use our network to not only build your online presence, but to support you by getting you in touch with local journalists and technology professionals to further enhance your content creation. If you are interested in this opportunity to invest in yourself, please contact Ralph van Houdt (06-14429340 |

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