
Click here to go back to the overview of committees

The one, the only, simply the most amazing way you can keep up with Thor on a semi—regular basis, is the Thorakel. It covers the many aspects of the club in various ways. Ranging from simple articles, to flowcharts, to top 10 lists, the different ways this magazine provides its readers with content are exceptional. Yet one might ask: “Who puts this glorious piece of writing together?” The answer is simple, the Thorakelcie. These people use their combined creativity and intelligence to tell the world how, what and why Thor is doing the things it is.
The Thorakel was recently revived with great success and has gathered steam ever since. The committee has an ever evolving roster of people, from expert writers to graphic designers, all extremely committed. The Thorakelcie members uphold the values of the committee and continuously strive to give the public, both young and old, the best they have to offer.
Do you have imperative information, a vital piece of gossip or the wish to contact us for any other Thorakel related matters? Please send an email to:

Jordan Kelly
Hylke de Groot
Cornelius ‘kees’ ‘t Hooft
Sebastian ‘Conny’ Hollman
Pim Mildert

Maaike Verhoeks

[su_spoiler style=”fancy” title=”ThorakelCie 2018/2019″]

  • Hylke de Groot
  • Sebastian ‘Conny’ Hollman
  • Maaike Verhoeks
  • Jordan Kelly
  • Cornelius ‘Kees’ ’t Hooft


[su_spoiler style=”fancy” title=”ThorakelCie 2017/2018″]

  • David van Horn – Executive Manager en Executive Chief Editor
  •  Tycho “Ida” van Gelder – Executive Chief Editor en Executieve Chief Designer
  •  Roel “Dries” Kemperman – Executive Chief Finance Manager
  •  Hylke de Groot – Assistant Editor
  • Sebastian “Conny” Hollman – Junior Assistant Editor
  • Kees ’t Hooft – Junior Assistant Editor en Junior Assistant Finance Manager

[su_spoiler style=”fancy” title=”ThorakelCie 2016/2017″]

  • David van Horn – Executive Manager en Executive Chief Editor
  •  Tycho “Ida” van Gelder – Executive Chief Editor en Executieve Chief Designer
  • Roel “Dries” Kemperman – Executive Chief Finance Manager
  • Lennaert “Aardbei” Kempers – Editor
  • “Classic” Lars “Trevi” Schillings – Editor
  • Sander van Rosmalen – Editor
